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hello! write something!!!!!!


9:00pm 01-14-2024
I really like your site! I love Replay and 1 of 1 and have been wanting to listen to more Shinee. Do you have any suggestions? If you I'd love to get an e-mail with some song recs! And finally, I've found someone else who also likes SNSD and CSR. I noticed you said you like VIXX—have you ever listened to any Verivery? Anyways, have a nice day!
9:52pm 10-25-2023
I'm happy to have found your site! You have really great music taste. Also I read the diary and I just want to let you know that you matter and I'm glad you're around. (sorry if you'd rather not have your diary acknowledged I know I have a love-hate relationship with people reading my journal posts)
11:04pm 10-23-2023
i love your site!! u have such good music taste. ur love of key and park bom...ur so smart and right
11:18pm 08-29-2023
This is so cute I love this a lot!!
4:05am 05-23-2023
ty for the follow on LB! cool site, nice to see my friend awhe in ur inspirations!
10:25pm 05-18-2023
YOOOOOO what a cool site!!!! love your music page as well. kpop is rotting my brain as well YAY!
2:39pm 05-17-2023
gracie is c00l